I must admit, I definitely felt the brunt of the attacks this year. I doubted everything I ever thought about myself - including my career choice. Why didn't I know I was considered a public servant? Why didn't I know I was so hated? I mean after all, I made MY decision to major in education. I went to college, studied and passed for 4 years. I CHOSE my major, to reflect the career I WANTED. And of all of sudden I am the target? Do we all not choose to live the life we have imagined? (thank you, Henry David Thoreau!) I went into teaching knowing what I was getting into. Didn't those entering the private sector know the same thing? I mean, they, too, had the same choice I had, right? No, I may not pay a lot for my benefits...however, I think my salary compared to my counterpart in the private sector (with a BA degree, and 10 years of service) may be quite smaller. This I know is true: a transmission builder at a privately owned transmission shop makes quite a bit more than I...And I am starting to think that the garbage collectors (those who just drive a truck) in my town also may have a bigger salary...but yet I am to be hated? I could understand if we were to draw straws to "see" what career we would get how this could all be unfair - but because I made a decision that you, too, had the choice to make...
But here is the thing - teachers don't enter this field because of money. I knew I would never be a millionaire (though trust me, there are days I wish I was!) I teach because it is what I have wanted to do since I was 6. I teach because I know that I can make a difference in people's lives --- in stranger's lives. Not my children's life or my family's life --- but in complete and utter stranger's lives. I teach because I care. I teach because there is a sense of responsibility and pride that comes along with it. I teach because I know I can make a difference in a student's life- whether big or small.
I am about to start my 11th year of teaching and these are the facts: I have taught over 1200 (1260 is my actual estimation) students in the past 11 years. I have had 3 students die - JW, JR and MC - three male students (two from cancer, one in car accident) and think of each of them often. I have 1student in jail for shooting and killing a person - who came to my English class during his lunch period to get extra help and notes before his afternoon English class. I have had 2 students live in half-way houses because their own families have kicked them out and they have no where else to go. I have had 1 student, that I know of, who not only went to school, but worked to pay the rent for the apartment he and his family lived in. I have had many who have lost parents - some both parents. I have written numerous letters of recommendation, and then wrote follow up letters when they did not get into their first choice. I have written 2 letters to judges as a "character witness" for two individuals who had trouble with the law. I have several that I have stayed in contact with - whether I go and support them when they play a collegiate sport, or I go to pick up because a parent is battling cancer. I have students whose parents are incarcerated. I have students who after ten years still come up to me and say, "Hello, Miss C." I have a student who works for the FBI, the White House and probably too many to count who work at McDonald's. :)
Why do I teach?!?!? You must be kidding me - why wouldn't I? I have been privileged to walk into many of my students life and although I may not know the impact I have made on their life...I know for certain that all 1260 of them have made an impact on mine. I love what I do and no amount of negativity will change that because as my favorite slam poet/teacher Taylor Mali says: "I make a god damn difference, what about you?"
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